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Renewable Natural Gas Line Project Based in Wright County to Touch Hancock County

Written by Rob Hillesland | Apr 25, 2023 4:29:26 PM

Published by Summit–Tribune, Mar 28, 2023 / Updated Apr 2, 2023
Written by Rob Hillesland

Monarch Bioenergy’s Wright County Renewable Natural Gas Project in Iowa will utilize covered manure lagoons to capture methane which will then be transported in 70 miles of low-pressure biogas pipeline to a centralized gas cleaning and upgrading system. This innovative pipeline will connect 24 hog farms in Wright County and one in Hancock County.

The project aims to reduce impacts to farming and wildlife, while also providing benefits of a new low-carbon energy source and value-added opportunities for agricultural producers in the area. The initial investment in the community and infrastructure is estimated to be approximately $60 million, which will create jobs and sustained economic growth.